Putting Jesmond on the map! – by Sylvia Dahabra

Putting Jesmond on the map! This month sees St George’s parish busy engaging with the community through art, consultation events and celebrating its 130th birthday. The weekend of 6th and 7th October will showcase St George’s very own EXPO 2018. This is a selling art...

Let the little children come to me…

“Let the little children come to me ….” St Mathew 19:14 (Blog by Sylvia Dahabra) Thus Joan Grenfell, Reader, started her sermon on the 15th July. She stood in front of the congregation, not in the pulpit, with children from Smarties and Sunday School gathered around...

What a fun and joyful weekend we had at St. George’s!

The weekend kicked off on Saturday 30th of June with a gathering in the Church Hall for the return of the Friends of St George’s quiz night. Sixty of us, in teams of up to six, joined Simon and Jenny, our quiz masters, for a couple of hours of competition to find out...

Remember you are but Dust

Our 5-week Lent Course for 2018 takes the theme ‘Remember You Are But Dust’ and explores the themes of grief, dying and preparing for death – something that will affect us all at many times in our lives with family and friends. Everyone is welcome – the...