Advent Procession

Advent Procession

Please join us on Sunday 3rd December at 6pm for this service of music for Advent. The St George’s choir will be performing music from Palestrina, Praetorius, Warlock, Gardiner, and...
Christmas Market

Christmas Market

Our Christmas Market will take place on Saturday 2nd December, 12-3pm in the church hall. There will be the usual array of stalls and festive refreshments. Entry is free and all are welcome so please do spread the word and come...
All Saints & All Souls

All Saints & All Souls

All Souls will be marked with a Sung Eucharist, featuring music from Fauré’s Reqiuem, on Thursday 2nd November at 7.30pm. It will be livestreamed via our Livestreaming page. All Saints Day will be celebrated at the Parish Eucharist on Sunday 5th November at...
Dedication Festival Evensong

Dedication Festival Evensong

On our 135th Anniversary, we are delighted to welcome the Right Revd. Helen-Ann Hartley, Bishop of Newcastle, as our preacher at Choral Evensong. The service will be held at the usual time of 6.00pm on Sunday 15th October, and will be followed by a glass of...