Celebrating St George

Because of the way Easter, and Easter Week, fell this year, the Church relocates St George’s Day to Monday, 29th April! Here at St George’s Jesmond we will celebrate our Patron Saint with Choral Evensong on Sunday, 28th April at 6.00pm. All are welcome....

Holy Week and Easter at St George’s

The Great Shepherd Our preacher during Holy Week this year will be the newly appointed Archdeacon of Northumberland, the Venerable Mark Wroe.   Palm Sunday: 8.00am – The Eucharist 9.30am – Palm Procession and Parish Eucharist 11.30am – The...

LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS – Mental Health and the Church

An opportunity open to all, to explore in the context of church, resilience and mental health. During these five one-half hour long sessions we seek to raise awareness, increase deeper understanding, to empower people not to be afraid, to encourage conversation  and...

Let the little children come to me…

“Let the little children come to me ….” St Mathew 19:14 (Blog by Sylvia Dahabra) Thus Joan Grenfell, Reader, started her sermon on the 15th July. She stood in front of the congregation, not in the pulpit, with children from Smarties and Sunday School gathered around...