Remember you are but Dust

Our 5-week Lent Course for 2018 takes the theme ‘Remember You Are But Dust’ and explores the themes of grief, dying and preparing for death – something that will affect us all at many times in our lives with family and friends. Everyone is welcome – the...

Signposts and questions in the mist

It is close to the beginning of a new academic year – new students moving in.. Graduates too, taking up new jobs – and for all of us a time for fresh starts. It is our day-to-day experience that things around us are constantly changing. Sometimes that...

Route learning…

It was on Ash Wednesday morning that I saw a bus which said ‘Route Learning’ on its front. It struck me then that Lent is for us rather like the point on a walk in the Cheviot hills when you know you have been going generally in the right direction, but...

Life is like a waltzer…

In the wider world, this is a week of change.. President Obama is serving his last day, and tomorrow, President Trump will be sworn in.  Yesterday, Theresa May set out the basics of her approach to ‘Brexit’. Today, Martin McGuinness has said that he will not stand in...