Children, Young People & Families
Christmas activities for children and young people
There will be lots of activities for children during December. Please click the button below to see the details of everything which happened in 2024!
St. George’s is a great place for families and children and offers a warm and inclusive welcome to young adults to find community, discuss life and explore the Christian faith.
Little Saints: Babies and toddlers
Every Monday from 2 – 4pm (excluding Bank Holidays) there is a chance for parents/carers to come with their babies and toddlers to St George’s Church Hall to meet and chat together over tea/coffee. There is no charge for this.

Children’s Church
There is an area for very young children and their parents or carers to play for all or part of our services.
At every 9.30 Sunday morning service during term time, children over 4 years old are invited to SMARTIES in the vestry. This is a 15 minutes session of child friendly discussion and activities based on Bible readings, led by two DBS checked members of the congregation. If you get a bit fidgety during the sermon and you are not a grownup – SMARTIES is for YOU! SMARTIES is part of St George’s mission to make church a welcoming, fun and educational experience for the next generation and to develop the diversity of our congregation.
“At the root of it all, it’s all about encouraging children to come to church and helping them to get to know one another, as well as nurturing and growing their faith.”
There are many ways in which children can become involved in Sunday Services, from our proud heritage of bell ringing, to joining the excellent choir or the team of servers. Please click here for more information.
Beavers, Cubs, and Scouts
Beavers: now meets on Mondays, 6-7pm in the Church Hall, for children ages 6-8.
Cubs: meets on Wednesdays, 5.30pm-6.45pm in the Church Hall, for children ages 8-10.
Scouts: meets on Mondays, 7.15-8.45pm in the Church Hall, for children ages 10-14.
For further enquiries or more information on joining these groups, please go to the Newcastle Scouts website.
Students and young people
Students and young people are an important part of St George’s community.
There are a number of services that can appeal to people with a busy social life: particularly our Taize and Choral Evensong services at 6pm on a Sunday (the 2nd and 3rd of the month respectively) and the 11:30am Sunday Eucharist.
St George’s also takes seriously the contributions and talents of 18-30s, many of whom serve either on the PCC, as volunteers and leaders of events or take part in the service as servers or as part of the choir. St George’s is a great place to pray and worship, meet new people and grow or explore the Christian faith from a liberal and affirming position; we welcome all in God’s name.