Both Church and Hall are available to hire. Please see Hall and Church Hire for more information.

Big Appeal

The parish has created an exciting development plan for a Community Hub which it is hoping to bring to fruition between 2023-2027 for the benefit of its parishioners and the Jesmond community for generations to come.

The scheme comprises:

An extension to the rear north west corner of the church to provide WCs and annex area for services and concert use and, more notably a new “green” room for mixed usage, which will in turn create a transitional space between the beautiful and traditional architecture of the main church, and a more modern space. Plans for the Green Room can be found here: Green Room Plan.

Full remodelling of the parish hall to bring it up to modern standards, greater functionality and flexibility for multi-use, as well as better use of the space available. This is aimed not only for the use of the parish, but fundamentally for full community use and interaction, becoming a social hub for the area. Plans for the Parish Hall can be found here: Plans for the Parish Hall.

In addition the unique church green and its surroundings will be subtly re-ordered. Plans for the green can be found here:  Proposed plan for The Green.

See all the details in our brochure.

All this will take significant expenditure to achieve our goal. Any offers of fundraising and donations using our Give A Little Campaign will be hugely appreciated. Or come along to one of our many fundraising events – latest details on the ‘Current Activities’ tab.

You can also contribute via Give As You Live: we set up an online shopping page to raise funds for the Community Hub Project. If you shop online, order groceries for delivery, are considering switching energy providers, thinking about presents for Christmas, or are planning a trip away, all of these could raise funds for the project without costing you any extra money. Simply sign up with Give as You Live ( or scan the QR code below, and then shop as usual online. Every purchase will raise a free donation to the funds.

Fundraising Progress

We are fast approaching £250,000, including tremendous support from the local community and generous grants from several Trusts and Foundations, including the Barbour Foundation, the Sir James Knott Trust and the Benefact Trust:

St. George’s and the Community

As an inclusive church, we enjoy opportunities to be open to the whole community, of all faiths or none, in Jesmond, Newcastle and beyond, and especially in the needy parts of the world.

Community Hub Fundraising Events

There is a regular programme of activities to support the BIG APPEAL fundraising campaign, from talks to concerts. Here are the next couple of events:


Ceilidh on St Andrew’s Day, November 30th

One of the joys of ceilidh dancing is that it is very accessible for people of all ages. A wonderful way to raise money for our Community Hub! Join us for a lively evening on St Andrew’s Day (30th November), the patron saint of Scotland. Full details via this link.


Valuation Day and Talk

This autumn, a well-known local auctioneer will join us for a Valuation Day and Talk. Bring along your jewellery, antiques and paintings, and find out more about them and what they might be worth. Date TBC.


Regular activities organised by St. George’s


Spring Fete

Each year, St George’s hosts its annual outdoor Spring Fete on the Green. Gazebos spring up and stalls appear. This year, as well as the usual plants, cake, book and toy stalls, the bell ringers welcomed in the community and the Bishop of Newcastle, the Rt.Revd.Dr.helen-Ann Hartley, who opened the Fete. Everyone enjoyed the music of the Newcastle Concert Band, Bardgett’s Barrel Organ and the Newcastle All Stars Steel Orchestra as well as the Irish Dancers. Children appeared with some wonderfully painted faces and queued up to Splat the Rat and sit in the police car and try the flashing lights under the supervision of our very supportive community police whilst everyone enjoyed the Indian Street Food,  Cream Teas, ice creams and Pimms whilst they waited for the Raffle Draw. Despite the overcast weather, the crowds came out and enjoyed the day.

Christmas Market

Each year we organise a Christmas Market, held in the church hall at which we have seasonal stalls, refreshments including snack lunches, children’s activities and usually an appearance of Mother Christmas and her Elves. Come along and buy your Christmas cards, decorations, and Christmas gifts, as well as enjoying the usual stalls. This year’s Christmas Market will take place on Saturday 7 December, 12-3pm, where there will be stalls, tombola, raffle, hot food, teas, mince pies and mulled wine and activities for children, including an appearance by Mrs Christmas.


St George’s Friday Café

Friday Café, Friday mornings 10am-12pm, has been set up as a St George’s Church venture, run by a loyal team of volunteers from St George’s, backed up by a very kind and generous group of home bakers, also from St George’s. It is there to serve the community in which we live.

We advertise in a number of places including the Jesmond Forum, flyers around Jesmond, posters and by word of mouth. It is also on the St George’s website. The care homes in the area have all been contacted and made aware of the service we provide.

Though the café is a Dementia-friendly space, it was never intended to be solely for those suffering from a dementia. It targets a number of groups – our congregation members, the lonely, the elderly, the vulnerable, and anybody else who just wants to drop in for a cup of coffee, some cake and some conversation.

We do not charge but ask instead for donations. We also recognise that some people coming to the café might not be in a position to pay anything and this would be alright. Christian love in action.


Sing & Socialise

Sing and Socialise’ is a free, fun and friendly Singing group that meets on Friday Mornings, 11.00-12.00, in St George’s Church Hall, Osborne Road, Jesmond.

Led by North East Musician, Laura Reavley, the group sings a wide variety of familiar songs from all eras. The music ranges from traditional Sea Shanties to popular show tunes, and songs by the likes of Doris Day and Frank Sinatra.

Singing is proven to be good for lifting your mood, improving your breath control and it’s fun to do!

There are no auditions or requirements to join Sing and Socialise. We sing purely for pleasure. As a Dementia friendly group, we welcome anyone who would like to pop in, have a chat and sing!

The sessions are free. The group was established by the Jesmond Dementia Action Alliance, who donated money to continue funding after it was disbanded. The group is now funded by Jesmond Library.


Friends of St George’s

St George’s Church is a striking architectural landmark in Jesmond – an outstanding Grade 1 listed building.

The Friends of St George’s was established to maintain and renovate the fabric of the Church and to expand and strengthen its role in the community.

Please see their website for more information –


Events for Children

Please see Children, Young People, Families


St. George’s also offers opportunities to contribute to charitable collections and fundraising events throughout the year and a donation is made to support local charities each year.

Children North East at St George’s

The Charity, Children North East, was founded 130 years ago.

Today, its services are needed more than ever in our city of Newcastle and surrounding areas, where 42% of our children are growing up in poverty. At St George’s we offer practical support to the charity’s work and respond to their changing needs on a regular basis. From collections of food during school summer holidays we moved to knitting DARE Bears* and, at their request, added knitted/crocheted baby clothes, blankets, children’s sweaters and hats. An article on our September collection be read here.

The Knitting Appeal widened and people were invited to buy packs of new items for babies from 3 to 18 months old and packs of underwear, socks and T shirts for boys and girls up to the age of 9.  To see our knitting patterns, click here.

We expanded again in the summer of 2021 and for the last two years have had very successful New School Uniforms Appeals, which involved the wider local community. These have been of great benefit to the families supported by CNE. In 2022, we were able to extend our help to the local Church of England Primary School, attended by refugee children who live in a local hotel in our Parish.

There is a labelled collection box in church for donated items on the Wish List and the Annual New School Uniform Appeal for children up to Year Six takes place from the middle of July to the middle of August (please check the website nearer the time for details). Please click the following link to view the wish list for the ongoing collection – current wish list.

“What you do for the least of my brothers and sisters…”

The latest collection of knitted items from St George’s, made for children helped by Children North East. December 2023.

*Children North East’s DARE programme (Domestic Abuse Recovery and Education Programme) is aimed at children and their parents who have been exposed to domestic abuse, are in the recovery stages and the relationship between the perpetrator and the parent victim has ended. Every child on the recovery programme is invited to take a DARE bear home with them. Sadly, teddies are always needed.


The Peopleʼs Kitchen

We have had a long-standing association with The People’s Kitchen,a local charity which supports those who have no family or friends to support them and helps them towards independent living. We were pleased to support them as we celebrated Harvest Festival in September, collecting much needed food items to help them support those in need.


WERS Collection

WERS, or the West End Refugee Service, is based at St Philip’s Vicarage in Arthur’s Hill in the West End of Newcastle and supports Asylum seekers and refugees in the city.

St. George’s organises collections of toiletries, tea, coffee and sweet treats in May and September, with a Christmas collection of warm clothing (scarves, gloves, socks) and treats (chocolate, sweets, biscuits) at Christmas. This year’s Christmas collection will take place on 24 November, when the gifts will be taken to WERS. Please feel free to make them special by wrapping them in paper and labelling them for a man or woman before leaving them in the box at the back of church. Thank you.

More on this charity, now established for 18 years, at




Christian Aid

Previously we have supported Christian Aid’s campaign All Mums should live which delivered aid to women, babies and young children in Sierra Leone, the most dangerous place in the world to become a mother. We also support the work of Christian Aid during Christian Aid Week each year.

Further information about Christian Aid can be found here.

More recently we have collected donations for the DEC Appeals for Ukraine, Pakistan, and Turkey-Syria.


Community space in the Church and Hall

Both Church and Hall are available to hire, and are in regular use by community groups. Please see Hall and Church Hire for more information.

If you are a community group or charity wanting to run an information/outreach session, the hall can be used for free* on Friday mornings. (*If you are able to make a donation then we would be grateful but it isn’t required!)

For more details, please contact the parish office: 0191 281 1659 (9.45am-12.45pm, weekdays) email:

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